Celebrating Rosh Hashanah in Jewish Culture Club
OCTOBER 07, 2022
On September 28, Jewish Culture Club Co-heads Maia G. ’23 and Emily D. ’24 organized a special event in the Upper School Commons to celebrate the recent holiday, Rosh Hashanah, which marks the Jewish New Year. The students collaborated with Cater-To-You, which provided sliced apples and honey (a Rosh Hashanah tradition and symbolic Jewish treat) for students to enjoy.
During the celebration, the two co-heads explained the tradition to their peers, and also shared that this year marked the first time that Nightingale observed both days of Rosh Hashanah.
“We wanted to provide a space where students could share stories about their holiday and weekend, and start the year strong with an event that includes everyone, even if they are not part of the club,” Maia shared.
Through the generous donation of Patti Kenner, students were able to raffle off 10 tickets to see Funny Girl on Broadway, which attracted a broad spectrum of Upper Schoolers to visit the event and learn more about Jewish Culture and Rosh Hashanah.